How WISPAP Works

Article I: Name and Purpose

1. Name: The name of the association shall be the Wireless and Internet Service Providers Association of Pakistan (WISPAP).

2. Purpose: The purpose of WISPAP is to promote the interests of wireless (wisps / cvas operators) and fiber internet service providers (fisps / local-loop operators) in Pakistan, advocate for favorable policies, foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among members, and enhance the quality of internet services nationwide. These include but not limited to:-

  1. Industry Advocacy and Representation:
    1. Policy Advocacy: Advocate for policies and regulations that promote the growth, development, and sustainability of the internet service provider industry in Pakistan, addressing key issues such as licensing, spectrum allocation, infrastructure deployment, and broadband access.

    2. Government Engagement: Engage with relevant government ministries, regulatory bodies, and policymakers to represent the collective interests of ISPs, providing input on policy formulation, industry standards, and regulatory frameworks.

    3. Industry Research and Analysis: Conduct research and analysis on industry trends, market dynamics, and emerging technologies, providing valuable insights and recommendations to policymakers, industry stakeholders, and members to support evidence-based decision-making.

    4. Thought Leadership: Position WISPAP as a thought leader in the internet service provider industry, regularly sharing insights, industry reports, and best practices to enhance the knowledge and capabilities of members and contribute to the industry's advancement.

  2. Capacity Building and Professional Development:
    1. Training and Education: Develop and offer training programs, workshops, and webinars to enhance the technical, operational, and managerial capabilities of ISPs, enabling them to deliver high-quality and innovative services.

    2. Knowledge Sharing: Facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration among members through platforms such as conferences, seminars, and online forums, encouraging the sharing of best practices, experiences, and lessons learned

    3. Industry Standards: Promote the adoption of industry standards, practices, and benchmarks that ensure high-quality service delivery, network security, and customer satisfaction across the ISP industry in Pakistan.

    4. Talent Development: Support initiatives to attract, develop, and retain skilled professionals in the ISP industry, fostering a skilled workforce equipped to meet the evolving demands of the digital landscape.

  3. Industry Collaboration and Partnerships:
    1. Strategic Partnerships: Forge partnerships and collaborations with other industry associations, technology providers, academia, research institutions, and international organizations to leverage resources, share knowledge, and drive collaborative initiatives that benefit the entire ISP industry.

    2. Interoperability and Interconnection: Encourage interoperability and seamless interconnection among ISPs to enhance service quality, expand coverage, and promote a seamless user experience across different networks.

    3. Industry Code of Conduct: Establish an industry code of conduct that sets ethical and professional standards for ISPs, promoting fair competition, responsible business practices, customer-centricity, and data privacy.

  4. Consumer Awareness and Protection:
    1. Consumer Education: Promote awareness and education among end-users about internet services, digital literacy, online safety, and responsible internet usage, empowering consumers to make informed choices and maximize the benefits of the internet.

    2. Consumer Complaint Resolution: Establish mechanisms and processes to address consumer complaints and grievances related to ISP services, ensuring prompt resolution, fair treatment, and protection of consumer rights.

    3. Quality of Service: Advocate for and monitor the quality of internet services provided by ISPs, encouraging transparency, service level agreements, and fair pricing practices to ensure a positive customer experience.

  5. Industry Collaboration and Partnerships:
    1. Strategic Partnerships: Forge partnerships and collaborations with other industry associations, technology providers, academia, research institutions, and international organizations to leverage resources, share knowledge, and drive collaborative initiatives that benefit the entire ISP industry.

    2. Interoperability and Interconnection: Encourage interoperability and seamless interconnection among ISPs to enhance service quality, expand coverage, and promote a seamless user experience across different networks.

    3. Industry Code of Conduct: Establish an industry code of conduct that sets ethical and professional standards for ISPs, promoting fair competition, responsible business practices, customer-centricity, and data privacy.

Article II: Membership

  • Membership Categories: WISPAP shall have the following membership categories:

    1. Full Members: Licensed Companies providing wireless and/or internet services via fiberoptics in Pakistan.

    2. Associate Members: Organizations or individuals associated with the wireless and internet service industry.

    3. Honorary Members: Distinguished individuals or organizations recognized for their significant contributions to the industry.

  • Membership Criteria and Admission: Membership criteria, application procedures, and admission decisions shall be determined by the executive committee (EC) and communicated to prospective members. All valid CVAS licensed operators and/or Local Loop (LL) Licensed holders are welcomed to join as as full members of Association.

  • Rights and Responsibilities: Full Members shall have the right to participate in association activities, receive benefits and services, and vote in general meetings. Members shall also fulfill their responsibilities, including adherence to the association's bylaws, timely payment of membership fees, and promotion of the association's objectives.

    Full Members:

    • Eligibility Criteria: Office holders preferably CEOs of organizations holding CVAS License or/and Local Loop Licenses and are actively involved in Providing internet services in Pakistan.

    • Application Process: Membership for such industry specialists are open throughout year, by filling in form and providing documents identifying organizations legal status and member's link with organization.

  • Associate Members:

    • Eligibility Criteria: organizations or individuals associated with the wireless and internet service industry, such as technology providers, Dealers of ISPs consultants, or industry professionals.

    • Application Process: Agreement Copy with ISP, Area serving and Identification required documentation, and information to be submitted by prospective associate members by filling out prescribed form.

  • Honorary Members:

    • Selection Criteria: Individuals with significant contributions to the industry or their reputation as industry leaders.

    • Appointment Process: to be approved and recommended in WISPAP Board meetings.

2. Rights and Responsibilities:
  1. Member Rights:
    1. Participation and Engagement:
      1. Attendance at General Meetings: Members have the right to attend general meetings of WISPAP, providing an opportunity to contribute to discussions, decision-making, and strategic planning.

      2. Voting Rights: Full members have the right to vote on matters brought before general meetings and elections, allowing them to actively participate in shaping the association's direction and decision-making.

      3. Input and Feedback: Members have the right to provide input, feedback, and suggestions on association activities, policies, and initiatives, enabling them to influence and contribute to the development of the association.

    2. Access to Information and Resources:
      1. Information Sharing: Members have the right to access relevant information, reports, research, and industry insights produced or collected by WISPAP, enabling them to stay informed and updated on industry trends, developments, and best practices.

      2. Resource Sharing: Members have the right to share their own expertise, experiences, best practices, and knowledge within the association, fostering a collaborative environment and facilitating collective learning and growth.

      3. Networking Opportunities: Members have the right to participate in networking events, conferences, seminars, and online platforms organized by WISPAP, promoting connections, partnerships, and collaboration with other industry stakeholders.

    3. Benefits and Services:
      1. Membership Benefits: Members are entitled to receive benefits and services provided by WISPAP, which may include access to industry research, training programs, capacity-building initiatives, advocacy support, and discounts on relevant products or services.

      2. Representation and Advocacy: Members have the right to be represented by WISPAP in engagements with governmental and non-governmental bodies, media, legislative and regulatory bodies, ensuring their interests are effectively communicated and advocated for at various platforms.

      3. Association Recognition: Members have the right to be recognized as part of WISPAP, allowing them to leverage the association's reputation, credibility, and collective influence in the industry.

    4. Professional Development and Support:
      1. Training and Education: Members have the right to participate in training programs, workshops, webinars, and other educational initiatives organized by WISPAP, enabling them to enhance their technical, operational, and managerial skills and stay updated on emerging industry trends.

      2. Advocacy Support: Members have the right to receive support and guidance from WISPAP in advocating for their interests, addressing regulatory or policy challenges, and seeking resolution on industry-related issues.

      3. Collaboration Opportunities: Members have the right to collaborate and engage in joint projects, partnerships, and initiatives facilitated by WISPAP, fostering professional development, business growth, and industry innovation.

  2. Voting Rights:
    1. Full Members:
      1. One Vote per Member: Each full member of WISPAP shall be entitled to one vote in all general meetings and elections.

      2. Equality of Voting Power: Regardless of the size or market share of the member organization, each full member's vote carries equal weight, ensuring fairness and democratic decision-making.

    2. Associate Members:
      1. Non-Voting Status: Associate members may have access to certain benefits, services, and participation in association activities; however, they typically do not hold voting rights in general meetings and elections. Their input and opinions can be considered during discussions but may not be included in formal voting procedures.

    3. Honorary Members:
      1. Non-Voting Status: Honorary members, being recognized for their significant contributions to the industry or the association, may not have voting rights unless otherwise specified in the association's bylaws or determined on a case-by-case basis.

  3. Code of Conduct:
    1. Professionalism and Integrity
      1. Uphold Professional Standards: Members shall conduct their business operations in a professional and ethical manner, adhering to industry best practices, legal requirements, and relevant regulations.

      2. Transparency: Members shall provide accurate and transparent information to customers, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies, ensuring clarity in service offerings, pricing, terms, and conditions.

      3. Avoid Conflict of Interest: Members shall disclose and appropriately manage any potential conflicts of interest that may arise in their interactions with customers, partners, or other stakeholders.

    2. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction
      1. Commitment to Quality: Members shall strive to deliver high-quality, reliable, and secure internet services, maintaining network performance and infrastructure to meet or exceed industry standards.

      2. Timely Response: Members shall promptly address customer queries, concerns, and service issues, ensuring effective communication and timely resolution of problems.

      3. Customer Privacy and Data Protection: Members shall respect and protect customer privacy, complying with applicable data protection laws and implementing appropriate security measures to safeguard customer data.

    3. Fair Competition and Market Conduct:
      1. Competition Laws: Members shall comply with all applicable competition laws and regulations, promoting fair and healthy competition within the ISP industry.

      2. Non-Discrimination: Members shall not engage in discriminatory practices based on factors such as race, religion, gender, nationality, or political affiliation when providing internet services.

      3. Avoid Anti-Competitive Behavior: Members shall refrain from engaging in anti-competitive practices, including predatory pricing, collusion, market manipulation, or abuse of dominant market positions.

    4. Regulatory Compliance:
      1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Members shall comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and licensing requirements governing the provision of internet services in Pakistan.

      2. Cooperation with Regulatory Bodies: Members shall cooperate with regulatory authorities and provide necessary information as required by law, facilitating regulatory oversight and compliance.

    5. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing:
      1. Collaboration among Members: Members shall actively participate in WISPAP initiatives, sharing knowledge, experiences, and best practices to foster collaboration and industry advancement.

      2. Intellectual Property Rights: Members shall respect intellectual property rights and comply with copyright laws when using or sharing information, resources, or software within the association.

    6. Association's Reputation and Image:
      1. Professional Representation: Members shall represent WISPAP and the ISP industry in a professional and responsible manner, refraining from engaging in activities that could harm the reputation or image of the association or its members.

      2. Confidentiality: Members shall maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information shared within the association, ensuring the protection of trade secrets, proprietary information, and confidential discussions.

    7. Dispute Resolution:
      1. Member-to-Member Disputes: Members shall make reasonable efforts to resolve disputes with other members amicably and in good faith, seeking mediation or arbitration as appropriate.

      2. Grievance Handling: Members shall follow WISPAP's designated process for lodging complaints, grievances, or concerns related to the association's activities, policies, or fellow members.

    8. Membership Obligations:
      1. Compliance with Bylaws and Policies:

        1. Adherence to Bylaws: Members shall comply with the bylaws, rules, and regulations of WISPAP, including any amendments or revisions made from time to time.

        2. Code of Conduct: Members shall adhere to the association's code of conduct, upholding professional standards, ethical practices, and integrity in their business operations and interactions within the industry.

        3. Policy Compliance: Members shall comply with all policies and guidelines set forth by WISPAP, including but not limited to those related to governance, finance, event participation, and communication.

      2. Active Participation:

        1. Attendance and Engagement: Members are encouraged to actively participate in WISPAP's activities, including general meetings, committee work, events, and initiatives, to contribute to the association's objectives and foster collaboration among members.

        2. Information Sharing: Members shall share relevant information, experiences, best practices, and insights within the association, promoting knowledge exchange and collective growth.

        3. Volunteering: Members are encouraged to volunteer their time, expertise, and resources for the benefit of the association and the industry as a whole.

      3. Timely Payment of Membership Fees:

        1. Fee Payment: Members shall pay their membership fees promptly, adhering to the specified due dates or payment schedules outlined by WISPAP.

        2. Fee Obligations: Members shall fulfill their financial obligations to WISPAP, ensuring the association has the necessary resources to fulfill its objectives and provide services and benefits to its members.

      4. Collaboration and Cooperation:

        1. Collaboration with Industry Stakeholders: Members are encouraged to collaborate and cooperate with other members, industry stakeholders, and relevant organizations to foster a vibrant and inclusive internet service provider industry in Pakistan.

        2. Support for Association Initiatives: Members are encouraged to support and actively participate in association initiatives, such as advocacy campaigns, industry research, educational programs, and events, to promote the collective interests and advancement of the industry.

      5. Reputation and Professionalism:

        1. Professional Representation: Members shall represent themselves and WISPAP in a professional and responsible manner, upholding the association's reputation and promoting positive perceptions of the internet service provider industry.

        2. Ethical Practices: Members shall conduct their business operations with honesty, integrity, and fairness, adhering to legal and regulatory requirements and promoting good corporate governance.

        3. Confidentiality: Members shall respect the confidentiality of sensitive information shared within the association, maintaining the privacy and trust of fellow members and the association itself.

          These membership obligations set the expectations for members to actively engage, contribute, and conduct themselves in a manner that upholds the values and objectives of WISPAP. They foster a collaborative, ethical, and professional environment that benefits both the association and its members, while promoting the growth and development of the internet service provider industry in Pakistan.

4. Membership Termination:
  1. Grounds for Membership Termination:
    1. Non-Payment of Membership Fees: Failure to pay membership fees within a specified period after the due date.

    2. Violation of Code of Conduct: Repeated or serious violation of the association's code of conduct or ethical standards.

    3. Breach of Bylaws: Persistent non-compliance with the provisions of the association's bylaws or policies.

    4. Misrepresentation: Knowingly providing false information during the membership application process or subsequently discovered misrepresentation of qualifications or credentials.

    5. Illegal Activities: Engaging in illegal activities that bring disrepute to the association or the ISP industry.

    6. Damaging the Association's Reputation: Engaging in activities or behaviors that harm the reputation or image of the association or its members.

    7. Failure to Meet Eligibility Criteria: Failure to meet the eligibility criteria for continued membership, such as ceasing to provide wireless and internet services in Pakistan for full members. or discontinuation of services, agreements for associate members, or ban from authorities.

  2. Termination Process:
    1. Notice of Termination: The association shall provide written notice to the member stating the grounds for termination and the proposed date of termination. The member shall be given a reasonable opportunity to respond or rectify the situation, if applicable.

    2. Opportunity to be Heard: The member shall have the right to present their case or provide a written response, explaining their position and any mitigating factors, within a specified timeframe

    3. Decision-Making Authority: The Executive Committee (EC) or a designated committee shall review the member's response and make a final decision regarding membership termination

    4. Member Notification: The member shall be notified in writing of the final decision, including the effective date of termination and any additional relevant information

  3. Appeal Process:
    1. Right to Appeal: The terminated member shall have the right to appeal the decision within a specified timeframe, typically through a written request submitted to the association

    2. Appeal Review: The EC or a designated committee shall review the appeal, considering any additional information or arguments presented by the member, and make a final decision regarding the appeal

    3. Final Decision: The member shall be notified in writing of the final decision on the appeal, which shall be binding and conclusive.

Article III: Governance

  1. Executive Committee (EC): WISPAP shall be governed by an Executive Committee comprising elected members from the full membership. Seat of Chairman is full time, Vice Chairman, Presidents, Vice Presidents will be elected by utilizing a democratic process of elections between members of executive committee.

  2. EC Roles and Responsibilities:

    1. Oversee the association's activities and strategic direction.

    2. Conduct elections and appoint subcommittees as necessary.

    3. Approve the annual budget, financial reports, and policies.

    4. Represent the association in external engagements.

  3. Election and Term of Office:

    1. EC members shall be elected by the full membership through a transparent and democratic process.

    2. The term of office for EC members shall be 2 years, with the possibility of re-election.

    3. The election procedures shall be defined separately in the association's election policy.

Article IV: Meetings

  1. General Meetings: General meetings of WISPAP shall be held at least once a year.

  2. Notice: Notice of the meeting, including the agenda and relevant documents, shall be provided to members at least 10 days prior to the meeting.

  3. Quorum: A quorum shall be 50% of the full members entitled to vote.

  4. Voting: Decisions at general meetings shall be made by a simple majority vote of the members present, except in cases where a supermajority is required as specified in the bylaws.

Article V: Finances

  1. Membership Fees: WISPAP may charge membership fees, the amount of which shall be determined by the EC and communicated to the members.

  2. Financial Management: The association's finances shall be managed responsibly, and appropriate financial records and reports shall be maintained.

  3. Auditing: An independent audit of the association's financial records shall be conducted annually.

Article VI: Amendments

  1. Bylaws Amendments: These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at a general meeting, provided that notice of the proposed amendments was given to the members at least 30 days in advance.

  2. Approval and Adoption: Any amendments approved shall take effect immediately upon adoption, unless otherwise specified.

Article VII: Dissolution

  1. Dissolution Process:

    1. Decision for Dissolution: The decision to dissolve WISPAP shall be made by a vote of the members in a general meeting. The vote for dissolution must meet any requirements specified in the association's bylaws.

    2. Notice to Members: Members shall be provided with written notice of the proposed dissolution at least [insert time period] before the general meeting. The notice shall include the purpose of the meeting and the proposed resolution for dissolution.

  2. Distribution of Assets:

    1. Disposal of Assets: Upon dissolution, any remaining assets of WISPAP shall be used exclusively for purposes consistent with the association's objectives, as determined by the Executive Committee (EC) or a designated body.

    2. Distribution to Qualified Organizations: If the association's assets cannot be used for the continuation of similar purposes, they shall be distributed to one or more qualified organizations in Pakistan that are engaged in activities related to the internet service provider industry or the promotion of digital connectivity. The determination of qualified organizations shall be made by the EC or a designated body in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

  3. Discharge of Liabilities:

    1. Debts and Obligations: Upon dissolution, WISPAP shall settle all outstanding debts, liabilities, and obligations to the extent possible using available assets.

    2. Notice to Creditors: Adequate notice shall be given to known creditors, allowing them to present their claims against WISPAP for payment. The notice shall specify the deadline for submission of claims, which shall be no less than [insert time period] from the date of dissolution notice.

  4. Compliance with Legal Requirements:

    1. Legal Procedures: WISPAP shall follow all legal procedures and requirements specified by the relevant laws and regulations governing associations in Pakistan during the dissolution process.

    2. Government Notifications: The EC or a designated body shall ensure appropriate notifications are made to the relevant government authorities, including tax authorities and the registrar of associations, regarding the dissolution of WISPAP.

  5. Dissolution Documentation:

    1. Dissolution Certificate: Upon completion of the dissolution process, a dissolution certificate shall be prepared and signed by authorized representatives, confirming the legal dissolution of WISPAP.

    2. Retention of Records: WISPAP shall retain its records, including financial documents, meeting minutes, and other relevant records, as required by applicable laws and regulations, for the designated retention period following dissolution.