Our mission

To promote, project and develop the interests of Internet Services Providers in the country regardless or their location, size or market share, and to collaborate and associate with related National and International Organizations for update on technologies, latest practices and telecom/IT policies.

What is WISPAP ?

Our founder

Shahzad Arshad Khan, a cybersecurity professional, Manchester University and University of Leeds alumni had an idea to unite all internet service providers under one roof, for betterment of industry despite of any competition they have in between their working areas.

Our story

Sensing the imminent threat when no policy and decision maker was willing to listen to the new and emerging ISP industry, ISPs from all cities of Pakistan got united and WISPAP was formed. Since then WISPAP represented ISPs, data service providers and fixed line operators industry of Pakistan at numerous national and international forums including PTA, PTCL, Ministry of IT & Telecommunications, PEMRA, etc.

Unlike multinational cellular operators, ISP industry comprised of many start-ups formed by young Pakistani entrepreneurs. WISPAP therefore has always been very vocal and at forefront for the rights of Pakistani Internet community in general and Internet industry in particular. WISPAP has been instrumental for many reforms in ranging from bringing down the Internet prices in the country to improvement in speed and quality by fostering competition.

a united voice and point of reference for ISPs across the country and represent the Internet industry at various Governmental and Non governmental Forums, media, legislative and regulatory bodies

As it name suggests its Wireless & Internet Service Providers Association of Pakistan.
Here we have wisps and isps united under one umbrella to defend mutual rights and benefits



Licensed Operators

Not only is our team full of professionals – we're a fun bunch, too.

Board Members

Last year, we successfully completed over 13 individual meetings nationwide.

Key industry

We have specialist experience in Internet Service Provider Industry of Pakistan


Who are we

Hardcore Professionals

We are group of Licensed Internet Service Providers who are willing to work together to improve services and defend mutual interests


All of our members are CEOs of running ISPS and we confirm status of members upon joining the team.

Network Designers

Our members are network designers have an extensive background in designing and deploying networks, and often work together with our other specialists on various projects.


All of our consultants have specialist experience in the field of networks to public sector access providers, and aim to understand the data needs of business.

Why JOIN us?

Global experience

Our members have global experience of services and we are inter-connected with international operators for better understanding of markets

Although lot have positively changed in telecom sector in Pakistan since early days of Internet which was the first deregulated service in 1995, the strong arm tactics and anti-competitive moves of incumbents and dominant players still continue. Fixed line telcos faced many roadblocks like high costs of right of way (ROW), excessive taxation, red tape and bureaucratic process of regulators and policy makers, high cost of Internet bandwidth, draconian cyber crime laws, excessive Internet regulations, and so on. WISPAP’s struggle therefore continues to ensure a level playing field, openness of Internet, making it cost effective, competitive and better quality at par with global standards.

Quality and value

We are always willing to work with isps to get best pricing of infrastructure and value of bandwidth they are getting along with best quality and routes to their routers

Favorable terms

Each project we work on is tailored for the betterment of ISPs working in hands with us. even if they are not our members.

High standards

We take standards seriously, and we are willing to get our member's standards high as per international level.